T3, 769
T4, 769
t-BOC (tertiary butyloxycarbonyl), 47
t-BOC derivative, 47
T-cell leukemia-lymphoma, 612
T-cells (T lymphocytes), 808
T-helpher (Th) cells, 809, 820
t-PA, 846
Tl relaxation time, 13
T2 relaxation time, 13
Tamoxifen, 321, 797, 798
Tangier disease, 438, 440, 443, 448, 911
Tankrase, 555
Tannates, 676
Taql, 531
Taste buds, 145
TATA (hogness) box, 569
TATA Box, 603
Tau proteins, 62, 482
Taupathies, 62
Taurine, 26, 354
Taut (T) state of ATCase, 113
Tautomerization, 523
Tautomerization of bases, 523
Taxanes, 483
Taxol, 483
Tay-Sachs, 535
Tay-Sachs disease, 322, 412, 413
TCA cycle,
se e
tricarboxylic acid
(TCA) cycle
TCA cycle enzymes, 250
Tears, 193
TeBG2, 708
Teicoplanin, 328
Telomerase, 555
Telomeres, 555
C-telopeptides, 179
N-telopeptides, 179
rate change per ten degrees (ôio), 87
rate of reaction, 87
Temperature-sensitive (Ts) mutation, 560
Temporal mRNA regulation, 598
in phage systems, 598
Tendon sheaths, 183
Tendons, 184
Termination, 577
Termination site, 546
Tertiary butyloxycarbonyl; t-BOC, 47
Tertiary structure, 57
Testes, 782
Testes (spermatogenesis), 787
Testicular steroidogenesis:
leydig-neuroendocrine axis, 784
Testolactone, 707
Testosterone, 789
Testosterone also, 782
Testotoxicosis, 718
Tetany, 874
Tetracycline, 583
Tetrahydrobiopterin, 273, 300
Tetrahydrofolate, 617
Tetrahydrofolic acid, 107
Tetramer, 115
TFIIA, 601
TFIIB, 601
TFIID, 601,603
TFIIE, 601
TFIIF, 601
TFIIH, 601
TGF/S, 835
TGF-/1 pathway, 612
Th (T helper cells), 808
Thalassemias, 302, 659
Thalassemias of the /3-Globin Gene, 662
a-thalassemia silent carrier (aa/a-), 960
a-thalassemia syndromes
characteristics, 661
a-thalassemia-1 (-/«a), 960
a-thalassemia-2 (
a - / a
-), 960
a-thalassemia, 660, 960
/1-thalassemia, 657, 959
-thalassemia syndromes
characteristics, 663
5-/1 thalassemias, lepore hemoglobins, and
hereditary persistence of fetal
hemoglobin (FIPFH), 662
a-thalassemia trait, 660
Thaumatin, 146
The A
pathway: 3£HSD, 705
The chemical elements, 873
The classical pathway, 831
The corticosteroid pathway is initiated by
21-Hydroxylase (CYP21), 705
The intrinsic pathway, 856
The lectin pathway, 832
The liberated amino angiotensinogen, 753
The sex steroid pathway is initiated by
(CYP17), 706
Thenoyltrifluoroacetone, 254
Thermic effect of food, 224
Thermodynamically favorable reactions,
Thermodynamically unfavorable
reactions, 69
6 8
Thermogenesis, 263
defective, 224
Thermogenesis by, 767
Thermogenic effect of food, 78
Thermogenic effects, 766
Thermogenin, 263
Thiaminase, 914
Thiamine, 240
deficiency, 915
structure of, 914
Thiamine (vitamin Bi), 914
Thiamine pyrophosphate, 238
Thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP,
cocarboxylase), 107
Thiamine pyrophosphokinase, 914
Thiamine triphosphate (TTP), 914
Thick myofilaments, 460, 462
Thin filament
model, 459
Thin myofilaments, 458, 460
Thiocyanate, 101
Thiohemiacetal, 231
-thioguanine, 627
Thioredoxin reductase, 624
Thomsen’s disease, 476
Thomsen’s myotonia congenita, 478
Threonine, 25, 214, 279, 331
Thrombin, 184, 845
Thrombin time (TT), 864,
8 6 6
Thrombocytopenia, 184
Thromboembolism, 796
Thrombomodulin, 845
Thrombophilia, 864
Thrombophlebitis, 796
Thromboplastin, 843
Thromboplastin antecedent
(PTA), 844
Thromboplastin time, 865
Thrombosis, 842
Thromboxanes (TXs), 389, 390, 395,
445, 714
Thymidine nucleotides
synthesis, 640
Thymidine kinase, 819
Thymidylic acid
synthesis, 640
Thymine, 523
Thymine dimer, 557
Thyrocytes, 769
Thyroglobulin (Tg), 770, 771
Thyroid, 702
Thyroid disorders, 778
Thyroid extract, 879
Thyroid gland, 769
Thyroid hormones, 212, 224, 710, 711,
769, 778, 877
biological actions, 776
cardiovascular system, 776
structure-activity, 769
metabolism, 774
regulation, 773
TG and release, 771
Thyroid hormone in the thyrocyte
synthesis, 771
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